Hôtel Paradou Avignon Sud
 85 Avenue Clément Ader 
84140 Montfavet Avignon, France

+33(0)4 90 84 18 30


How to get to the Hôtel Paradou Avignon Sud ?

By car
If you want to reach us by car from the A7 motorway, take the Avignon South exit and follow the signs to Avignon. At the first roundabout, take the first right towards the airport.

By train
Do you prefer to travel by rail? The train station is only 10 km from the hotel, and you can then rent a car or hire a taxi.

By plane 
Finally, if you arrive by plane, the Hôtel Paradou Avignon Sud offers the ideal accommodation. In fact, the airport is located just 200 metres from the hotel.


 Book your stay


Weather in Montfavet, Avignon

Vent : N à 2 km/h
  • Eclaircies

    21° 37°

  • Eclaircies

    21° 42°

  • Ensoleillé

    23° 44°

  • Eclaircies

    24° 41°